Pistol Fundamentals - Part III - SIGHT ALIGNMENT

Okay, so we have discussed grip and trigger and now we are on to sights.

The process of "aiming" requires you to line up your sights, put them on the target and apply that smooth, straight back trigger press.

Your sights dictate where your bullet will go.  Open iron sights (which most everyone has on their carry firearm) consist of a front sight and a rear sight.

sight alignment carson browning

The front sight should be centered up in the notch in the rear sight and level across the top.  Once they are lined up the front sight should be placed on the target where you want the bullet to go.

rear sight carson browning

Now...here comes where many people mess up!  When your sights are aligned and on the target, your sights will still be slightly moving around.

This movement is called arc of movement and everyone has it.  Even the very best shooters in the world have movement in their sights, but with practice you can reduce that amount of movement.  The WHOLE KEY is to reduce the amount of movement in the sights as much as you can and then start applying pressure to the trigger.  It's that simple.

Listen to me here...if you try and snatch the trigger as your sights pass through the center of the target you will miss your mark more times than you will hit it!

Practice reducing the movement in your sights as much as possible, then apply that smooth and straight back trigger press.  Sights are very important but so is the trigger.

Here is a quick video to show you proper sight alignment, arc of movement and how they all work together with the trigger to make accurate shots.

Well that's about it for the fundamentals.  By now you should know proper grip, trigger control and sight alignment.  The 3 most important factors to accurate pistol shooting.

Practice them, then practice them some more!

Print these three blog posts and take them to the range.  Become safe, skilled and secure.

Need help?  I'm right here, just reach out.  I'd love to give you a new found carry confidence that so many of my clients are talking about!

carson browning
Haley Browning